Kuvars Kristal Monitör TR

Kuvars monitör kristali, kuvars kristali tabanlı ölçüm ve kontrol sistemi için çok önemlidir.


Kristal, hassas ve tekrarlanabilir ince film birikimi sağlar.

Kuvars kristal mikro terazisi (QCM’ler), substratlar üzerindeki ince filmin kalınlığını ölçmek için vakum biriktirme odalarında kullanılan mikro elektronik cihazlardır. Bu, kaplama işlemi sırasında kuvars kristalinin sağladığı frekans yanıtı kullanılarak yapılır. Bu frekans değişimi, kristal yüzey üzerindeki kaplama malzemesi miktarı ile ilişkilendirilebilir.

Kuvars kristalleri, kalınlığı Ångström düzeyinde gösterir (1 Angstrom, 0,00000000393701 İnç veya 0,0000001 Milimetreye eşittir). Hassasiyet ve doğruluk seviyeleri önemlidir çünkü 10 Angstrom kadar küçük kalınlık sapmaları ürün performansı üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahip olabilir.

Bu sürecin kontrol sistemine etkisi ve sınırlandırılması, yenilikçi ve yeni ürünler geliştirmek için önemli bir adımdır. Daha gelişmiş optik, elektrik ve manyetik cihazlar doğru ölçümleri işleyebilen bir sensör gerektirdiğinden, kuvars kristal sensörlerin önemi son yirmi yılda artmaktadır.

Bu süreci üretim süreçlerinde kullanan endüstrilerden bazıları: optik, yarı iletken, güneş pili ve ince film gösterimi(OLED).

Get a longer live of your quartz monitor crystal by selection the appropiate electrode.

  • 6MHz Quartz crystal sensors compatible with INFICON monitor, controller and microbalance.
    • Size: 14 mm (0.550 in.)
    • Frequency: 6 MHz
  • 5MHz Quartz crystal also available.
    • Size: 12.4 mm (0.489 in.)
    • Frequency: 5 MHz

Electrode Chart Selection

Electrode MaterialApplication TypeElectrode Chart SelectionMain Property
GoldStandardInfiniteMost common, adapted for most applications
SilverSputtering TypeDepends on oxidation and exposure to sulfur content in air (tarnishing effect)Highest thermal conductance. Adapted when better heat transfer to cooled sensor body is needed.
AlloyHigh Stress Coatings, Optical films, high stress semiconductor materialsShorter than gold, two times more than Silver, with time alloy oxidizeHigher Activity values compared to Gold and Silver

Check the quartz thin-film monitor equipment here.

About Quartz Crystal microbalance

QCM (quartz crystal microbalance) sensors measure the mass variation per unit area by measuring the changes in the resonator frequency  of a quartz crystal using its piezoelectric properties. Frequency changes linearly with the mass (or thickness). Quartz crystal monitoring systems are an essential component of the thin film deposition vacuum chambers, usually used in mass production.

quartz crystal monitor

It’s very important to control the temperature since the resonance frequency can change a lot with the temperature too. There are different types of crystals depending on its tolerance with the temperature.


Usually, work at the Ångström level (Order of 10-10). Little thickness deviations such as 10 or fewer Ångströms can have a major effect on the product performance. QCM sensor measurements have been improving more and more in the past years. Nowadays advanced optical, electrical, and magnetic devices require a process sensor capable of measuring layer thicknesses with 1 Ångstrom resolution reliably.

How does a typical QCM system look?

Inside the vacuum chamber, the sensor is placed near the substrate to measure the thickness of the film. It’s important to know its operating frequency range and the electrode quality of this crystal. The vacuum chamber must have a tem perature controlled housing with the function of regulating the temperature of the sensor and its mechanical integrity.


Outside the chamber, an electric monitor creates a current which forces the crystal into vibration and tracks this frequency over time. It’s really important that this monitor can track accurately the crystal frequency changes and temperature characteristics. An internal microprocessor can convert this frequency changes in time to the actual thickness of the film.

Principal characteristics of the quartz crystals:

ABOUT QUARTZ CRYSTAL MICROBALANCE SENSOR3The crystal can have different electrode shape depending on the model system you are purchasing.

Physical Specifications of the crystal:

  • Material: Pure Silicon Dioxide monocrystal.
  • Dimensions: 0.550” +. 000/.002” OD
  • Contour: 2.5 – 3.0 diopter (212 – 177 mm radius of curvature) plano-convex
  • Finish: 7 microns rms roughness plano and contour sides
  • No chips, scratches or etch marks within a 13.95 mm diameter clear aperture

Electrical Specifications of the crystal:

  • Available Frequencies: 5 and 6 MHz, fundamental series resonance
  • Resistance: <10-15 Ohms
  • Contact Resistance: <10 Ohms edge to edge on pattern side

We also offer Physical vapor deposition (PVD) products and solutions, click here to access our page.