AMC 3000

PhotonExport Official Representative in Equipment brands from Spain and Portugal, we have the best machines:  AMC 3000

the AMC 3000, the perfect complement to our series of fully automatic single wafer processing tools. Designed with substrate sizes ranging from 150 mm to 300 mm (or 7″ x 7″ to 9″ x 9″), this spinner offers highly flexible applications in coating, lift-off, developing, cleaning, vapor priming, and heating of wafers and masks. With a focus on our customers’ needs, each tool can be optimized for either flexible single processes or high throughput.

The AMC 3000 features the option of FOUP loading via robot or rail system in the cleanroom or plant, ensuring seamless integration into your workflow. Additionally, it offers the integration of an optional 300 mm SECS/GEM interface for enhanced communication capabilities.

AMC Coater Module• Optical endpoint detection
• Unique bowl design for optimal process results (e.g. no cotton candy when processing high viscosity resists)
• Servo-controlled nozzle positioning, programmable with absolute distance values
• Programmable wafer backside and bowl rinse
• EBR (Edge Bead Removal) system programmable with absolute distance values, also for rectangular substrates
• Dispense system for up to 6 different media per bowl with single-nozzle positioning arm and automatic nozzle change
• Different resists dispense pumps (e.g. syringe, traptank, etc.) available
AMC Developer Module• – Spray-, puddle or megasonic development
• Various developer media per bowl possible
• Servo-controlled nozzle positioning programmable with absolute distance values
• Programmable wafer backside, topside and bowl rinse
AMC Lift-off Module• – Unique lift-off process with large-area megasonic
• High- or medium-pressure cleaning with DIW or solvents
• Special reclaim solution for minimal media consumption
• Easy recycling of lifted metals
• Programmable wafer backside, topside and bowl rinse
AMC Etching Module• Etching of a multitude of round and square wafers and masks
• Precise media tempering solution and control
• Novel chrome etchant recycling reduces use of chemicals and thus, reduces the impact on the environment and decreases processing costs
AMC Cleaning Module• Cleaning of wafer frontside, backside and edge bevel
• Various cleaning methods as standard solutions available
• Large area megasonic
AMC Temperature Module• Up to 5 (optional 6) hot- or coolplates per module
• Standard hotplate (60 °C – 200 °C)
• High-temperature hotplate (60 °C – 450 °C)
• HMDS vapor priming hotplate (60 °C – 200 °C)
• Single or multi-zone hotplate
• Coolplate (10 °C – 60 °C), with either water or Peltier cooling
• Curing by UV light or supported by UV light
• Options for proximity control: Fixed proximity, programmable proximity, vacuum contact
AMC Wafer-handling Module• “Pick and place” robot
• Contactless wafer centring “on-the-fly”
• Slot-scanning including identification of carrier type and wafer size
• OCR, bar- and matrix-code support
• Wafer vacuum or edge gripping
Optional Configuration• Thin wafer processing
• Backside coating with automatic flip station
• Perforated wafer processing
• Mini environment with temperature and humidity control
• Resist and developer temperature control
• Media tempering device to the point of use

AMC 3000 main specification

  • Wafer diameters: 150 mm to 300 mm or 7 x 7” to 9 x 9”
  • Up to 2 I/O stations for 150 mm to 200 mm open cassettes or 300 mm FOUP
  • Max. 5 individually selectable processing modules
  • 1 two link robot handler with single or double end effector
  • Outer dimensions W x L: 2082 mm x 2003 mm

For your AMC 3000 equipment quote or any inquiry please use the form below.
