How Scientific and Industry Exhibitions Adapt to COVID-19 ? 

  Nanotechnology, Evaporation Materials, Thin films and others Exhibitions: How do the technology industry fairs adapt to COVID-19 ?  As the tally of events cancellations develop because due to the COVID-19 crisis, organizations are being tested to respond rapidly to guarantee business continuity. Photon Export specialist  in coating services, Optics and Thin films planned to attend … Read more

Portugal materiais Congress: April 2017

The Portuguese materiais Society organizes the  XVIII Materials Congress in Aveiro, Portugal, 9th to 12th april MATERIAIS 2017 MATERIAIS 2017 will be hosted by the University of Aveiro. The conference will put focus on the following areas: Functional Materials, Structural Materials, Processing Technologies to the Caracterization and Modelling. The preliminary program is: – Two schools on … Read more