Aluminium Oxides

Aluminium Oxides Al2O3

Al2O3 ,(Aluminium oxides) are chemical compounds with white or clear appearance that can be found in the nature as the mineral corundum.

Al2O3 Aluminium oxides tablet

Aluminium Oxide Specifications

Type shape Size Color Purity Package Storage
Crystal Granule 1-3 mm / 3-5 mm Colorless Transparent 99.99% 1 Kg/Bag Avoid exposure to sunlight & acid Keep dry
Sinter Tablet 9×5 mm / Upon demand White

Characteristics of aluminium oxide

CAS Number Density (g/cm3) Boiling point (Cº) Melting point (Cº) Refractive index at 550 (nm) Transparency range (µm) Evaporation source
1344-28-1 3.6 2977 2020 1.54 0.17-9 B(W), E
Applications: AR coating; Glasses coating; Protective coating

Aluminium Oxides Evaporation technique

To evaporate thermally aluminium oxide it is required high temperatures to obtain reasonable deposition rates. Electron beam evaporation is preferred for depositing aluminium oxide films as the material is rated excellent for this method. It can be evaporated from a tungsten crucible liner or from the copper hearth.

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